Derby Dam Truckee Canal Fish Screen, Sparks, NV
In September 2019, the Bureau of Reclamation (BOR) broke ground for this $23.3 million infrastructure project that restored watershed connectivity and promoted recovery of the federally threatened Lahontan cutthroat trout. The screen is designed to work with the diverted flow of water, providing fish protection by allowing fish and debris to move above and over the surface of the screen. The project included 60,000 cubic yards of earthwork, 6,000 cubic yards of structural concrete, and installation of gate controls and fish screens per the Bureau of Reclamation’s strict requirements. CME provided contractor quality control and materials testing services including:
- Quality Control Manual Creation
- Soils Testing
- Reinforced Concrete Testing
- Concrete Batch Plant Inspection
- Concrete Temperature Sensor Monitoring
- Environmental and seasonal constraints required quick lab testing turnaround to maintain schedule
- Conformance with strict BOR requirements for testing with no delays to construction