O’Brien Middle School, Reno, NV
The O’Brien Middle School rebuild includes demolition of the existing middle school structure and construction of a new middle school structure under CMAR. The brand-new three-story building is being constructed throughout the school year to avoid interruption of classes within the existing athletic fields. New athletics fields will be located within the footprint of the old school following demolition. The new school will have additional capacity to accommodate 6th graders in addition to 7th & 8th and for future growth in the area. CME is providing geotechnical investigation as well as IBC special inspection and testing services. Our scope of work includes:
- Geotechnical Exploration and Recommendations
- Laboratory Testing and Analysis
- IBC Special Inspection
- Soils (Mass Grading, Foundations)
- Reinforced Concrete
- Structural Steel Bolting and Welding
- Steel Fabricator Shop Inspection
- Masonry During Construction
- Asphalt Roadway Surfacing
- Pockets of clay soils prompted selective site grading efforts and full-time inspection to maximize on-site material reuse potential
- Coordination efforts required for construction at a school in session with many site constraints.