Mount Rose Water Treatment Plant, Reno, NV
The new 8,800 square foot water treatment plant will provide supplemental water sources for the long-term sustainability of the local groundwater aquifer. The treatment process includes a packaged conventional filtration treatment system, ultraviolet disinfection, and sodium hypochlorite disinfection. The concrete infiltration type diversion includes a raw water pump station that pumps raw water to the treatment plant. CME provided geotechnical engineering, IBC special inspections and materials testing services including:
- Geotechnical Exploration and Recommendations
- IBC Special Inspections
- Soils (Mass Grading, Soil Stabilization, Foundations)
- Reinforced Concrete
- Structural Steel Bolting and Welding
- Steel Fabricator Shop Inspection
- Masonry
- Structural Steel Welding
- Building and Architectural Systems Testing
- Asphalt Roadway Surfacing
- Rapid response required for additional slope stability recommendations to avoid disruption in construction
- Inspection of complex structural components to ensure adherence to unique design parameters of specialized treatment facilities