Moana Springs Community Aquatics & Fitness Center | Reno, NV
This 52,000 square-foot aquatic facility will include one competitive 50-meter long pool for racing, one multi-use indoor pool for lessons and leisurely swimming, and one outdoor spa heated using geothermal wells present at the site. The two-story facility is a steel structure that will have a reception area, locker rooms, fitness room and multi-use rooms. Construction for this $52 million CMAR project began with site demolition, modification to the existing adjacent soccer fields, and underground utilities & foundation work. Constructed where a previous swimming pool facility was demolished 15 years prior, grading challenges included select processing of various undocumented fill for potential reuse and excavation in native coarse gravel, cobble and boulders. CME performed a geotechnical exploration which included laboratory testing, and engineering analysis for the proposed site improvements. CME is currently providing IBC Special Inspections, materials sampling, and laboratory testing.
CME Services Included:
- IBC Special Inspection and Materials Testing
- Soils (Site Grading, Foundations)
- Reinforced Concrete
- Shotcrete
- Structural Steel Welding and Bolting
- Post-Installed Anchorage
- Laboratory Testing and Analysis
- Asphalt Roadway and Parking Lot
- Maintaining trench stability to prevent sidewall caving
- Extensive stakeholder and public outreach coordination