Marce Herz Middle School, Reno, NV
Due to overcrowding across the Washoe County School District, a new $73 million middle school was constructed on approximately 51 acres in south Reno. The school has four primary components: main campus, athletic field, access roads and parking areas, and a detention basin. Marce Herze Middle School now accommodates 1,400 sixth through eighth grade students. CME provided geotechnical investigation as well as IBC special inspection and testing services. Our scope of work included:
- Geotechnical Exploration and Recommendations
- Seismic Fault Investigation
- Laboratory Testing and Analysis
- Asphalt Roadway Surfacing
- IBC Special Inspection
- Soils (Mass Grading, Foundations)
- Segmented Retaining Walls
- Reinforced Concrete
- Structural Steel Bolting and Welding
- Steel Fabricator Shop Inspection
- Masonry During Construction
- Recycled Water Piping and Fixtures
- Minimized extremely wet winter conditions to achieve accelerated schedule
- Performed daily geotechnical evaluations to navigate grading operations in high-moisture soil conditions