Fleish Flume Improvements, Verdi, NV
The Truckee Meadows Water Authority’s Fleish Flume structure is located along the east bank of the Truckee River. The flume required removal to mitigate safety concerns and restore the environment after the flow of water was moved to an underground tunnel. The scope included removing heavy timbers built into a long box-like structure adjacent to the Truckee River and a new flume outfall structure to tie into the new waterway. Over 1,900 linear feet of flume along with the overflow structures were replaced. The overflow structure was redesigned with new footings, rock anchors, and steel supports. CME provided the following services:
- Geotechnical Investigation
- Engineering Analysis and Recommendations
- Soils Testing
- NACE Coatings Inspections
- Reinforced Concrete Testing
- Rock Anchor Inspections
- Structural Steel Inspection
- Navigate within an extremely rugged terrain to complete geotechnical investigation
- Expedited recommendations, modified design, and made in-field adjustments due to site conditions