Happy Holiday…Testing?

Happy holiday…testing? Yes! Holiday Testing is a real and very important non-destructive testing method. CME inspectors utilize this procedure to detect pinholes and voids in protective coatings. This photo shows holiday testing of coatings inside of a pump can at the Santerra-Quilici 1 Booster Pump Station project.

Three in One!

CME is busy throughout Northern Nevada and this photo from south Reno captures three projects in one snapshot! At the bottom of the photo you can see the Washoe County South Truckee Meadows Steamboat Lift Station Project where CME is providing IBC Special Inspection, construction inspection, materials sampling and laboratory testing services. In the mid-distance…

Lockwood Gas Line Trenchless Crossing Geotech

When you can’t go over the railroad tracks, you go under them! This future gas line in Lockwood required rock core drilling to support the design of a horizontal directional drilling pipeline crossline. To assist Granite Construction with their plan to connect to existing natural gas lines in Lockwood, CME is performing a geotechnical analysis…

Licensed Professional Engineers Day 8/7/2024

On August 8, 1907, the first professional engineering license was issued. Today CME celebrates Professional Engineers Day with the National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE). We are appreciative of the professional engineers and engineering interns on our team who go above and beyond to lay the foundation of a stronger future!

CME Working Around the Clock on US395

CME is working around the clock on the NDOT US395 North Valleys Project! Improvements in this phase include widening 395 southbound from two to three lanes between N. McCarran Boulevard and Golden Valley Road and adding sound walls near residential areas. We appreciate you being kind and patient with the construction crew on site as…